Saturday, July 20 – 6:00-9:00pm
Join your BLFR friends in a celebration of summer at a Potluck and Game Night. Ladera Community Church located at 3300 Alpine Road in Portola Valley has made their patio and meeting hall available for this event.
Volunteers yet required to make this a successful event:
• Lead coordinator(s)
• Set up crew
• Cleanup crew
• Greeters
• Entertainment crew to create recorded playlist and set up stereo equipment
Contact Bruce Christenson ( to volunteer.
Food and Games
Please bring a dish to share, and your favorite game. The recommended type of dish to share is by first name:
A – D Dessert
E – K Side or Salad
L – S Main Course
T – Z Appetizer or non-alcoholic beverage -The club will provide wine and beer.
A $10 donation is suggested to help compensate Ladera Community Church for use of their space and cover other cost of the event.